Saturday, October 31, 2015

October 31.

Finally Heard from Matt this morning. Tired, long delays and a miserably painful procedure.
Also, the new phone charging cable I gave him last night turns out to be crap, so we can't chat until I get there.

No data yet.

Went to visit this evening.  Got the power cable. Matt was indeed on stronger pain meds, though there still seemed to be breakthrough pain.  We kept the visit short as he wasn't feeling well. Yes, mostly cancer pain.

But wait, there's more.

     The cyst that he had two years before-- has come back. We are talking about a child's fist sized pustule roughly over where the lymph node in the groin happens to be. Yes, bubonic plague was the first thing that come to mind when I saw it years ago.  Though he had no other symptoms that would suggest the Black Death. I mean, I'm an expert, right? I have the rhyme memorized from childhood.  We had a jump rope routine and everything...

Not to mention having read "Eifelheim"...  *shudder*

You mean, all the rest of this wasn't enough? He's BACK on antibiotics, and has yet another place to be tender. They have have it padded too.

Matt still seems to think he's leaving the hospital on Tuesday.  He doesn't look well enough to leave, but again, what do I know...

FYI: the pustule is really not bubonic plague, I promise. It's just creepy that way. Just in time for Halloween.  Purportedly that's the real reason they did the CAT scan.

As an added bonus, it rained on the trick or treaters this year.  Though they were out in force during the rain... later, when it cleared, no one was out and about. If I hadn't driven by an elementary school during trick or treat time, I would have seen more adults in costume than kids.

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