Monday, August 31, 2015

The Next Chapter

I haven't updated for a while.
In part because we were in that waiting holding pattern. But we got cut short two weeks early.
Matt had some serious bowel trouble, so they installed a colostomy. That happened, about a week ago Friday. He's been in the hospital, and coming back to speed very slowly. He's in a lot of pain.

But for some reason the hospital really, really wants to get rid of him.  Matt is convinced it's all about insurance... which seems off because our other hospital was not in a hurry when we had all this bleeding and cancer stuff.  Matt is a paying customer, so... reasons?

Friends inside the biz tell me it's not so much because of insurance, but because SARS is a thing.
And hospitals are dirty. And colostomy patients have bits of their insides on the outside... more or less.
And that bag is only mils thick when you think about it.  I certainly don't want to, and I'm sorry you have to.

And because I was having... emotional difficulty, I only had one day to prepare the house to get him back.
I've been a nervous wreck merely over the idea of having strangers in my house.  Matt doesn't mind, so it shouldn't matter...

But I decided the only way to deal with it was to really clean the bedroom. I mean, really. Not merely make the rest of the house functional, but really do a job on it.  I can do the kitchen later. It's not like Matt will be spending most of his time there.

In two weeks we'll be having a Real Appointment TM with the oncologist. That's when we schedule the PET scan and find out exactly how much progress we've made.

Thanks for paying attention.  I keep saying this but I will really try to update more often.

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