Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Finis Radialem

The translation probably sucks, but hey.  Google translate is all I have time for.

Today is the last treatment of Radiation. In six weeks we will know if we need to do this crazy dance again.


That means today, Matt gets to go nuclear. I mean actually radioactive. To the point I cant touch him or his bodily fluids for 24 hours.  So to a hotel we go to save me some work.

This means I will probably not have the best internet connection.

We shall see.

But if you want to chat, send a message or something.  Try your usual methods, but don't be surprised if it doesn't work out.

Me? My sleep is regulating. I'm not as insane. My doctor gave me something for the intense stress and it seems to be working.  Also, I'm actually sleeping a bit. Even if I'm' not, I can relax enough that it actually does something, rather than leaving me more tired and irritable than before.

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